In a nutshell
Teckle Data is built around two kinds of people: your beneficiaries and your team. They’re the people who do the work that makes the difference, so they’re the key characters. At a glance you can see their “journey” with your organization.
Data entry
We’ve built data entry to suit the key ways of working with people: individual support engagements, drop in work, group work and a few variations on these. You’ll have your own words for them so you can customize Teckle Data to fit your context.
Each data entry form has a variety of useful information capture options, designed in a workflow that supports your reflective practice.
If you choose, your beneficiaries can also post their own entries: either writing about their engagement with you or just something that is going on for them. They can also post changes to the details that you hold for them, from a new phone number to a new name.
Additionally, you can integrate your safeguarding reporting system, and incident and accident reports too. Any of your team can write up concerns easily, with helpful guidance available, while only authorized staff can access and manage these records.

Run reports
And, of course, you can run reports from more than 50 options that just give you the data for your chosen time period.
If the many report forms don’t quite fit what you need (and there always comes a point when someone asks a new question or an old one in a new way) then you can export the data and manipulate it further in Excel.
Find out more
A database is a dull beast on paper, though. To get a sense of how it really works, and how it could work for you, then you can find more videos or even book a live demo here: